Sunday on ABC News’ “This Week With George Stephanopoulos,” former Gov. Martin O’Malley (D-MD) said Hillary Clinton is not the best choice for president for these times.

When Stephanopoulos asked, “Back in 2007, you were one of Hillary Clinton’s earliest supporters. you called her the experienced leader America needs. you added this, no one is better equipped to repair America’s alliances abroad and address the urgent needs of our communities at home. no one is better equipped. is that still true today?

O’Malley answered “I believed for those times that she would be the best choice for us as a country.”

Which caused Stephanopoulos to say “For those times?” which O’Malley confirmed “for those times.”

O’Malley explained, “I believe there are new perspectives needed for us to solve the problems we face as Americans and the problems we face as people on this planet. I believe that new perspective and new leadership is needed. more important than that, the two phrases  I’m stuck with are the phrases people come up with and say to me in every state. we need people who know how the get things done. and we need new leadership.”

He continued, “I think our country always benefits from new leadership and new perspectives. The presidency of the United States is not some crown to be passed between two families. It is an awesome and sacred trust. that to be earned, and exercised on behalf of the American people.”

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