In an exclusive statement to Breitbart News, Dr. Ben Carson says after months of what President Obama has called “tough, principled diplomacy,” the U.S. has only achieved a “framework for a deal” whose key details still must be finalized for the next three months.

The likely 2016 presidential candidate adds that Iran is the side that achieved the most from these negotiations because only a framework for a future potential deal has been achieved, and Iranians can continue to increase their ability to enrich uranium. Carson cautions:

When negotiations resume, Iran will then insist on restarting the negotiations at a beginning stage with limited progress, if any. While Iran’s installed centrifuges will be reduced from 19,000 to 6,000, it is unclear why certain provisions differ in terms of an expiration date, ranging from 10 years, 15 years, 25 years and “indefinitely.”

It is already clear that both sides differ in their interpretation of the “framework for a deal.” Zarif has already stated that Fordow is not included in the framework. This is crucial, as Fordow maintains the best centrifuges. Sunset provisions on restrictions are misleading and are not indicative of a “good deal,” as coined by our leader.

He continued: “Let us hope that both Houses of Congress play a key role in the coming months regarding finalized decisions at the negotiating table. Reaching a deal that involves unfettered inspections, transparent communication, and safeguards the United States, Israel and the rest of our allies is absolutely critical. The main conclusion from these recent months of negotiations is that the Iranians are superior negotiators.”