Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) is criticizing President Obama and urging his fellow members of Congress to maintain sanctions against Iran.

Yesterday in the Rose Garden, President Obama boldly asserted that his “historic understanding” with Iran, reached long after the March 31 deadline, was a success.

Rubio disagrees. “This attempt to spin diplomatic failure as a success is just the latest example of this administration’s farcical approach to Iran,” the potential 2016 candidate explained in a statement following Obama’s announcement.

Rubio called the agreement with Iran a “colossal mistake,” pointing out that it allows the hostile state to retain its nuclear centrifuges and keep nuclear facilities open without limiting its ballistic missile program. He also encouraged Congress to pass additional sanctions on Iran until “it completely gives up its nuclear ambitions.”

“Our message to Iran should be clear: until the regime chooses a different path, the United States will continue to isolate Iran and impose pressure,” he concluded.