Conservative J.D. Winteregg will challenge House Speaker John Boehner in an Ohio primary next year.

This isn’t Winteregg’s first time on the campaign trail. He was the Tea Party candidate and challenged Boehner in 2014. He also made national headlines when he lost his position as a French Professor at Cedarville University because of his campaign ad against Boehner, “Electile Dysfunction.”

Boehner defeated Winteregg with 74 percent to 23 percent of the vote in 2014, according to the Associated Press.

“After a lot of reflection on the first run, I questioned whether or not I should just focus on the local level of politics,” said Winteregg. But he added that after Boehner “caved” on Cromnibus and executive amnesty, he decided that people in Ohio-8 need someone in D.C. who will listen to them.

According to a February Rassmussen poll, Boehner’s national approval rating was only 29 percent, right between Rep. Nancy Pelosi with 33 percent and Sen. Harry Reid with 28 percent. He may be more popular within his district, though.

“His reality no longer matches his rhetoric…and that’s very disappointing,” explained Winteregg.

If elected, Winteregg says he wants to reduce the debt, size and scope of the federal government.

“As a part of the generation that will be paying that bill and dealing with the burdens imposed by an ever-expanding federal bureaucracy, I understand the importance of getting our country back on a more fiscally responsible track.”

He added that national security and immigration are also issues he wants to address. “We need to ensure we’re not allowing people to illegally enter our country, drain our welfare system and put American lives at risk.”

Boehner has not issued a statement on Winteregg’s challenge to Breitbart News.