New Jersey state senate president Stephen M. Sweeney has three words for gun owners who have initiated a recall effort against him–“Bring it on.”

According to the Courier-Post, New Jersey Second Amendment Society president Alexander Roubian said the recall effort “has been three years on the making.”

He says it began after Sweeney promised gun owners he would not let a “high capacity” magazine ban come to the Senate floor, then did an about face and allowed the bill to come to the floor after visiting with parents from Sandy Hook Elementary.

Sweeney’s district includes “rural Gloucester, Salem, and Cumberland counties.” Constituents in these counties feel Sweeney traded their local interests “in exchange for statewide support” via gun control. They are doubly outraged by the fact that Sweeney was swayed by out-of-state interests.

Sweeney admits to changing his views after talking to Sandy Hook parents, but maintains that he is unlikely to do so again. Yet he appears unapologetic for supporting what he describes as “common-sense gun safety.”

He said: “Groups are free to express their position on guns, but if people are trying to intimidate me into changing my opinion on common-sense gun safety initiatives, good luck.”

Sweeney then added, “Bring it on. Let’s go.”

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