On April 9, NPR corrected the record for groups like Moms Demand Action and news outlets like MSNBC, both of which reported that the NRA was hypocritically pressing for expanded gun rights everywhere, yet barring guns at their upcoming Nashville convention.

But as NPR reports, the reality is that guns are allowed at the NRA convention in every venue which normally allows guns.

In other words, concealed carry will be legal and allowable in every venue where current state law and/or local policy allow. Subsequently, concealed carry will be banned in every venue where state law and/or local policy prohibit the practice.

On April 8, Breitbart News reported that Moms Demand Action read the NRA announcement that display guns at the convention would be rendered inoperable by having their firing pins removed. Shannon Watts & Co. then concluded that this means no operable guns in the NRA convention; thus they mocked the NRA for banning guns at its convention.

It is important to note that the policy on removing firing pins from display guns should be one that Shannon Watts and Moms Demand Action praise. After all, the purpose is be sure that one of the guns cannot be commandeered and used for ill intent by someone of questionable or unknown character.

But instead of praising the policy, Moms Demand Action tried to mock the NRA and ended up being rebuked by NPR.

MSBNC’s Rachel Maddow initially joined Moms Demand Action in this blind leap of illogic, but to her credit, Maddow corrected her report when she realized there were different laws and/or polices for display guns versus concealed carry guns.  On the other hand, Moms Demand Action has yet to take down their inaccurate Facebook post claiming the NRA is banning guns at the Nashville convention.

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