On Thursday, a pro-Rubio independent Conservative Solutions PAC, or Super PAC, was launched to support what will be Republican Sen. Marco Rubio’s run for the White House in 2016.

Conservative Solutions is set to collect checks from deep-pocketed donors to pay for as many television, digital and radio ads as it can afford to boost Rubio’s chances.

“This race will be won by the candidate with the best vision for where to take this nation and the resources to ensure that message is heard,” veteran strategist Warren Tompkins said in a statement released to The Associated Press early Thursday morning. “Marco has the vision – few have laid out in as much detail where they’d like to lead this country – and we’re going to spend the next two years ensuring that the resources are there and used to effectively share that vision with voters.”

Rubio’s pending announcement is set for Monday afternoon.

On Monday afternoon in Miami, at a site steeped in symbolism for the bilingual son of Cuban immigrants, Rubio will announce his 2016 campaign for president…

The move may have been expected but is no less audacious, harkening to Rubio’s Senate run against then-Gov. Charlie Crist and a political career marked by one advancement after another — the spoils of natural talent, restless ambition and an acute sense of timing.

“It’s very clear for him that the moment is right,” said Miami-Dade Commissioner Steve Bovo, a close friend. “He has built enough clout and trust and enthusiasm amongst a broad section of the Republican base. In politics, the longer you’re in, the harder it is to sustain that. He understands that. There are very rare occasions where windows of opportunity are ever recaptured.”