Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) declared President Obama “is perfectly fine with a nuclear Iran” on Saturday’s “Larry Kudlow Show.”

Cruz said, “Just in the past few weeks, a senior Iranian General has publicly said the destruction of Israel is ‘non-negotiable.’ Just in the past few weeks, Iran carried out a military exercise where they set up a ship, an American military ship to bomb, to practice, they’re doing this while negotiating. In the midst of this, last year, Khamenei, in Tehran said to a publicly assembled mass that America is the greatest human rights violator on the face of the planet…the response was, the crowd began chanting in unison ‘death to America.’ Every year, they celebrate, as a holiday, Death to America Day, you know, we have Thanksgiving, Christmas, and the 4th of July. Death to America Day in Iran is the anniversary of Iran seizing American hostages.” [Note: according to the Fars News Agency, there are celebrations on the anniversary of the embassy takeover where “death to the US” is chanted, but it is referred to as “the National Day against the ‘Global Arrogance'” and not “Death to America Day”]

He continued, “if history teaches anything, it is that if somebody tells you they want to kill you, believe them, and unfortunately, the Obama administration is unable to perceive the threat. The reality is, this president is perfectly fine with a nuclear Iran. He is looking for what he thinks is a domestic political accomplishment of a deal and it is extraordinarily dangerous and it is the greatest threat to American national security and also to the security of our allies.”

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