An overwhelming majority of Democrats and independents want Hillary Clinton to face a “serious” primary challenger.

Clinton will formally enter the 2016 presidential contest on Sunday, and a Bloomberg poll conducted April 6-8 found that 72% of Democrats and independents believe that it would be a “good thing” for the “Democratic party if Hillary Clinton faced serious competition for the presidential nomination.”

Clinton has a commanding lead over all of her potential challengers. And Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), the Democrat whom left-wing activists most want to challenge Clinton, has repeatedly declared that she will not run in 2016.

Clinton’s favorability ratings in swing states, though, have been plummeting after more details about her private email scandal and shady donations to her family’s foundation from repressive Middle Eastern regimes have been revealed. A Quinnipiac poll released this week found that a majority of voters in Iowa and Colorado–two states where Clinton now trails Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY)–do not think Clinton is “honest and trustworthy.”

The Bloomberg poll found that a majority of Americans (53%), including more than a quarter of Democrats (26%), believe that Clinton “purposely withheld or deleted emails.”