On April 9, Michael Bloomberg delcared his friend Jeb Bush the best GOP candidate for president.

To be precise, Bloomberg cited Bush and Hillary Clinton as the only truly “worthy” candidates, in his view.

According to The New York Times, Bloomberg was attending a party in his honor after receiving an honorary knighthood from from Queen Elizabeth II. During the party, at which Bloomberg said he had “always admired the sophistication and fortitude of the British people,” the former mayor also singled out Bush and Clinton as the only two candidates for him.

“Hillary and Jeb are the only two who know how to make the trains run,” said Bloomberg.

Bloomberg’s first-name-basis relationship with Bush is outgrowth of their work together on education projects in 2006, reported by the The New York Sun, immigration reform in 2013, reported by Partnership for an American Economy, and even a dinner together in 2014, reported by the Tampa Bay Times.

The immigration reform was done under the auspices of Obama’s Organizing For Action.

By 2010, the relationship between Bloomberg and Bush was so tight that the New York Post ran a story headlined, “Bloomberg & Bush bro’s bromance.”

So if you find yourself having trouble deciding who you ought to support in 2016, just look to Bloomberg, who opposes your right to keep and bear arms, your freedom to make your own dietary choices, and the use of coal for energy. He also supported Obama’s immigration push.

Jeb is his man. And that means Jeb is your man if you support Obama’s approach to immigration and are not concerned about gun rights.

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