It’s no secret that after extremely significant and early buzz, too early perhaps, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has been struggling to get back in the flow of the now ongoing Republican presidential primary.

Given his reputation for taking on the teacher’s unions in New Jersey, it would appear he’s targeting a bogeyman at the national level that might allow him to start getting traction  again.

Per a Fox Business report, Christie is proposing an overhaul to Social Security benefits.

Framing himself as a politician who’s unafraid to share “hard truths” with the American people, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie is proposing an income cap on Social Security benefits as part of major restructuring plan announced ahead of a likely presidential bid.

Interestingly enough, the left is also abuzz over Social Security, as this Mother Jones report from yesterday demonstrates. To some extent, by jumping out big on Social security now, Christie is directly engaging presumed Democrat nominee Hillary Clinton on an issue thought to be in play for 2016.

Here’s How Republicans Handed Hillary Clinton a Big Fat Opportunity On Social Security

With Hillary Clinton now officially running for president, progressives are upping the pressure on her to embrace their policy agenda, including the Holy Grail of expanding Social Security benefits. As I wrote recently, Sen. Elizabeth Warren did her part to force a discussion about expanding benefits onto the national agenda by engineering a Senate vote that won the support of nearly every one of her Democratic colleagues in late March.