HBO’s “Real Time” host Bill Maher remarked that Florida Senator and presidential candidate Marco Rubio “looks like he could be Hillary Clinton’s pool boy” on Friday.

Maher said, “another week, another candidate, this week, everybody ready for Marco Rubio of Florida? Oh, my God. Yeah, they’re all saying ‘he’s fresh, he’s new.’ I’ll say, he looks like he could be Hillary Clinton’s pool boy, this guy. Well, you know, everybody’s got to have a shtick, everybody’s got to have a thing, and his thing is ‘I’m young. I’m young. I’m new. I’m fresh. I’m boyish.’ Yeah, when Ted Cruz reads ‘Green Eggs and Ham,’ he listens.”

Maher added, “he’s young. No, the other day, I swear to God, he proclaimed ‘yesterday’s over.’ He’s f*cking deep, man. OK? You got my vote. No, his slogan is ‘A New American Century,’ but he’s against abortion in all situations, against gay marriage, against immigration reform, against legalizing pot, against clean energy development. It sounds a lot like the old century to me.”

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