President Obama’s executive amnesty is failing to keep the public safe, Rep. Richard Hudson (R-NC) concluded Tuesday in reaction to an admission from the Obama administration that it approved deferred status for a known gang member — now charged with murder in Charlotte, North Carolina.

“The administration’s failure to deport an illegal immigrant with known gang ties under the president’s deferred action program is a dangerous consequence of bad policy and bloated bureaucracy,” Hudson said.

Earlier Tuesday, Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley released a letter from U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services confirming that it approved Emmanuel Jesus Rangel-Hernandez for deferred status under President Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program despite his known gang affiliation.

Rangel-Hernandez is currently charged in the murders of four people in Charlotte, including former “America’s Next Top Model” contestant Mirjana Puhar.

“Clearly, the president’s actions to unilaterally rewrite our immigration laws are not adequately keeping known criminals out of our country and failing to protect the safety of North Carolinians,” Hudson added.

In its letter to Grassley, USCIS explained that Rangel-Hernandez should not have been approved for deferred action and said it would be offering refresher training to its officers.

USCIS added that it “is in the process of completing a review of prior DACA approvals to determine if requests from known gang members were processed in a manner consistent with standard protocol. USCIS has identified certain cases that merit further review and it therefore undertaking a review of each of these individual case files.”