Former Florida Governor and prospective presidential candidate Jeb Bush (R) said that he would undo the president’s DACA and DAPA programs if elected, and touted immigration reform that would “narrow family petitioning, expand economic immigrants” on Tuesday’s “Michael Medved Show.”

Jeb said that he would undo the DACA and DAPA executive orders, and criticized the president for giving millions of people “temporary status” via the executive branch. He continued, “I think the better answer is to fix the immigration problem, is to solve it the way — the regular order way, which is to go to Congress, have a proposal, work on a bipartisan fashion to fix a broken immigration system.”

Jeb added, “if we did that, we would have high, sustained economic growth, if we did it right. We could control the border, which we need to do, we could narrow family petitioning, expand economic immigrants, I would be a — catalyst for high, sustained economic growth, which this country desperately needs.”

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