If you can’t dispute a message, you can at least attack the messenger. And the Hillary Clinton camp is firing away.

They’ve apparently obtained an advance copy of the upcoming book, “Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich,” by Peter Schweizer.

The book contains detailed reporting about the various financial dealings that have made the Clintons incredibly wealthy during their decades of “public service.” The Clinton response is explained in a three-page memo penned by national press secretary Brian Fallon and leaked to Politico. They’ll attempt to attack Schweizer, rather than refute him.

“The book relies on distortions of widely available data that the Clinton Foundation already makes public on its own,” Fallon writes, according to Politico. “The author attempts to repackage and twist these previously known facts into absurd conspiracy theories.”

The memo also cites Clinton attack dog David Brock, head of Media Matters for America, going after Schweizer over his funding. Brock rolled out his approach on MSNBC Tuesday. That’s usually a friendly outlet for liberals. But Brock was quickly shot down by host Mika Brzezinski.

She questioned Brock about the tens of thousands of emails Hillary Clinton destroyed, a scandal Brock attempted to defend Clinton against just last month.

A vast left-wing conspiracy around the book seems about to begin; The New York Times, Washington Post and ABC News are all digging into the Clinton Cash allegations.

As Ron Fournier puts it at National Journal: “Who is repackaging and twisting facts into absurd conspiracy theories? I can’t say that about Schweitzer; I haven’t read his book. But I do know what the Clintons are capable of.”

Expect more attacks from the Clintons, because that’s all they have, and it’s worked so well for them in the past. But don’t hold your breath waiting for answers to legitimate questions. The Clinton camp doesn’t seem to have any.