Bloomberg View’s Ana Marie Cox argued that the Clintons are “pretty stupid” and “seem to not to want to ask permission or apologize. They want to just do what they do” on Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time.”

Cox said, that there’s “a half of a there, there” with regards to the scandals around the Clinton Foundation. She continued, “the thing about the Clintons that’s so amazing to me is that — you’ve heard that it’s better to ask permission — or it’s better to apologize, than to ask permission. They seem to not to want to ask permission or apologize. They want to just do what they do, and if it looks shady, they raise their hands — and can’t believe that you’re accusing them of anything. I mean, this looks bad. There’s a part of me that feels like it looks so bad it can’t possibly be true, like they’re not that stupid, but then again, they’re pretty stupid.”

Later she added, “I support Hillary Clinton, but part of the problem is that they get wrapped up in these — in their own — around their own axle on these things. I agree with you…many of them [previous allegations involving the Clintons] aren’t actually scandals, there is no there there, but somehow the Clintons seem to behave as though there is.”

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