Friday on Fox News Channels’ “America’s Newsroom,” Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) said the Clinton’s coordinated to give lucrative contracts for mining and digital cells in Haiti after the 2010 earthquake to “their friends and relatives.”

Blackburn  said, “Crony capitalism is the way they operated it shows you. Whether it is through their friends and relatives or it is the Clinton foundation you are seeing it alive and well.”

She continued, “As the money was coming in and people were competing for the contracts to get their hands on that money, and bear in mind that is taxpayer dollars that the federal government uses through USAID to help these countries, all of these contractors that were going in and getting these lucrative contracts for mining, digital cells, and all of this for the mobile money transfer, they were all friends of Bill and Hillary.”

“Here you have Hillary at the State Department who is signing off on this and you have Bill Clinton as the co-chair of this advisory council that is signing off on these deals and invites these companies in. I think that the American people are going to say this is just a little too close to comfort. When it comes to the speaking engagement which were personal income for Bill Clinton do the Clinton think the American people don’t think — they have coffee in the morning, what are you doing today, well traveling the globe to give a speech. You have to ask about what the relationship is there and do they have a conversation or do they not. see are seeing the actions of the Clinton foundation and Clinton family being called into question and how it relates to the government,” she added.

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