Deutsch Inc. Chairman Donny Deutsch argued “people are going to want to turn the page on Hillary Clinton” on Friday’s “Morning Joe” on MSNBC.

While Deutsch said that “even if there is a quid pro quo” there is a distinction between money that went to the Clintons and the money that went to their foundation. He stated, “people are tired, people are just going to be tired of this stuff. Whether this specifically sticks, and they’ll get past this. You just get the feeling, as you look at Rubio’s numbers…people are going to want to turn the page. If this is what’s going to follow Hillary Clinton, one after the other versus unemployment versus foreign policy versus all the things that matter to me and you and you and you. I think this really, really kicks a dent in her candidacy, it’s not this. It’s the next one, and the next one, and I really believe people are going to want to turn the page on Hillary Clinton.”

(h/t Newsbusters)

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