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Conservative author admits evidence on Hillary Clinton is circumstantial

In back-to-back interviews over the past 24 hours, conservative author Peter Schweizer admits he doesn’t have direct evidence that Hillary Clinton intervened to assist individuals and entities because they donated large sums of money to the Clinton Foundation. On ABC yesterday, Schweizer was asked if he had proof that Hillary Clinton directly took action to benefit a Clinton Foundation donor from the sale of a uranium mining company. “No, we don’t have direct evidence. But it warrants further investigation because, again, … this is part of the broader pattern. You either have to come to the conclusion that these are all coincidences or something else is afoot.” In an interview with NBC’s Savannah Guthrie this morning, Schweizer said, “What we have is a pattern of behavior,” adding that this pattern consistently shows Clinton Foundation donors benefiting from Hillary Clinton’s State Department. More Schweizer: “I think it should be [criminally] investigated… I don’t think a quid-pro-quo needs to be a standard,” citing the charges that brought down former Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell. When Guthrie asked him about his ties to the conservative movement and GOP politics, Schweizer said, “I am not claiming to be neutral,” though he also stated that he’s taken on conservatives, too.

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