From Eleanor Clift writing at The Daily Beast:

It’s a mistake for the Clinton campaign to write off conservative author Peter Schweizer as a right-wing hack. It won’t work, and it’s not true. If he were as off-base as the campaign and its allies portray him, would a high-quality publication like The New York Times risk its reputation by partnering with him? And would Common Cause, the gold standard for good-government groups, which is currently chaired by former Clinton labor secretary Robert Reich, be calling for an independent review that would be made public of all large donations to the Clinton Foundation?

The Clintons have a standard template for pushing back, and they’re going to use it to make questions about their finances seem part of the vast right-wing conspiracy, but character assassination only goes so far. It may work for a while, but if the data in Schweizer’s upcoming book, Clinton Cash, survives the vetting it will get from the mainstream media, Clinton will have to clean up her act. Aside from actual wrongdoing, and there’s no evidence of that, this is about the appearance of conflicts of interest, and in politics, appearances are everything.

The most damaging concerns have to do with foreign money seeping into the Clinton family foundation and whether any of that money found its way to her campaign. Should she become president, would these foreign friends that have enriched the Clinton Foundation and the Clintons themselves through exorbitant speaking fees receive preferential treatment?

Read the rest of the story at The Daily Beast.