GOP presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) is speaking out about the Baltimore rioting.

“Today 85,000 Baltimore city children will not be going to school. Buildings have been set ablaze, stores have been looted, the police in the streets have been seriously injured, and strict curfews have been imposed,” Cruz says. “No man, woman, or child should fear for his or her safety in America–not in their schools, not in their neighborhoods, not in their cities–but today families are scared.”

More than 15 police officers were injured Monday night after high school students began to riot after school and the violence continued to grow throughout the night. Fox News reports more than 200 arrests thus far.

Cruz says the government has the responsibility to perform its central functions – to “preserve the peace, protect the people, and serve justice.”

He added, “We have to restore that trust and prove to the people we can make America safe again.”

The riot comes after a black man, Freddie Gray, died earlier this month while in police custody.

“Every case deserves justice, and the facts surrounding Freddie Gray’s death should be thoroughly and impartially investigated. But rioting and mayhem are not the answer,” Cruz explained. “While we continue to pray for a peaceful conclusion to the events in Baltimore–and pray for the families of those injured–I hope we all remember that our nation’s law enforcement consists of thousands of heroic officers who deeply respect the dignity of each person they serve to protect.”

Cruz went on to say targeting law enforcement for violence is wrong and it cannot be permitted.

“There is, and has always been, far more to celebrate in America than to worry about. Don’t lose sight of that fundamental truth,” Cruz added. “We will always face challenges and, together, we must rise to address them with strength and confidence in the future of our nation.”