National Journal Senior Political Columnist and Editorial Director Ron Fournier dubbed Hillary Clinton’s campaign “an assault on the public trust” on Wednesday’s “Special Report” on the Fox News Channel.

Fournier reacted to Hillary talking about rebuilding public trust by saying, “I banged my head on my computer when I saw that. If you’re like me who actually thinks judicial reform is a very important policy and actually agrees with a lot of what she had to say, this is especially frustrating. Because you can’t lead, you can’t get anything done, if you can’t be trusted. And let’s just look at the score here really quickly. She talked about — first of all, she violated ethics laws on both –and rules on both the emails and the foundation. She said that she did the email jiu-jitsu out of a matter of convenience. We know that’s not the truth, we know that’s not the case. She said that she was sending e-mails to aides, and they were captured under the State Department e-mail address. We know that’s not the case. They said that they disclosed all of the foundation donations, and we know that’s not the case. Then they said that they couldn’t disclose these because the Canadian law, we know that’s not the truth. So, whatever you think about her politically, it’s very clear that her launch, the launch of this campaign has been an assault on the public trust. So, you can’t on one hand talk about how we have to political nature, and mend our political ways, and be literally assaulting the public trust. She has to get right on these issues or she can’t lead this country.”

Later, he said that “people just aren’t feeling good about the economy. You look at the numbers. Our rate of growth under Obama has been about 1.8%, which about as half as the growth the last 70 years. I wouldn’t personally put all that on this president, or on Democratic policies, but the voters are going to be looking for two things this next election, change and an economy that will be better for their children than it has been for them. Those — both of those things, politically, are going to cut against Democrats.” And “both parties are going to have to come up with some new, fresh ideas that recognize the fact that wages haven’t increased, that we have this new economy that’s leaving a lot of people behind. We can’t have Republicans on one hand talking about growth is the savior and we can’t have Democrats saying raise the minimum wage, and that’s going to be the savior of all things. We need to have different prescriptions for a different time.”

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