Talk radio host Rush Limbaugh declared that “people that want to bribe the Clintons are starting to get scared because the scam has been exposed” on Monday.

Rush stated, “President Clinton. I’ll tell you what’s happening, folks.  As predicted, news stories are scaring off access-buyers.  These news stories about the Clinton Crime Family Foundation are starting to have a negative impact on donors. They’re having trouble rustling up new donors. Existing donors are starting to get nervous, might soon start asking for refunds, because the scam has been exposed.  It isn’t about charity.”

Rush then talked about a “mostly false” rating that PunditFact gave to his recitation of a report from The Federalist about the Clinton Foundation finances. He detailed The Federalist’s Sean Davis revealing that PunditFact’s Louis Jacobson admitted that the report cited by Limbaugh was “technically true,” even though PunditFact declared it “mostly false.” Rush praised Davis for having “the guts to go public with all of this, and further expose these fact-check organizations as nothing other than Democrat Party front groups,” adding “Sean Davis stood up and got in their face and caused it to back down.”

He concluded, “access-buyers, people that want to bribe the Clintons are starting to get scared, because the scam has been exposed. It’s not about charity. It’s about personal enrichment by selling future access, granting favors from a sitting secretary of state for exorbitant sums of money. And the capper is all of this is done under the guise of selflessness. … But now the donors are getting the same scrutiny that cockroaches get when you look under your sink in the dead of night. They are scattering for cover, and that’s bad news for the Clintons.”

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