Hillary Clinton will endorse a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants during a campaign stop at a Nevada high school Tuesday, according to reports.

Politico’s Playbook reports that during a roundtable at the majority Hispanic Rancho High School, Clinton is expected to call for a comprehensive immigration reform plan that includes “nothing less than a full and equal path to citizenship” for illegal immigrants.

Clinton will reportedly add that anything less than a path to full citizenship for illegal immigrants would be “merely a ‘second-class’ status.” Playbook quotes a Clinton official:

Clinton will talk about her commitment to fixing our broken immigration system by passing comprehensive immigration reform that provides a path to citizenship, treats everyone with dignity and compassion, upholds the rule of law, protects our border and national security, and brings millions of hard-working people out of the shadows and into the formal economy … She will say that the standard for a true solution is nothing less than a full and equal path to citizenship. She will say that we cannot settle for proposals that provide hard-working people with merely a ‘second-class’ status.

In recent months the national debate over immigration reform has largely centered on President Obama’s executive amnesty program — currently stalled in the courts — to provide legal status and work permits for millions of illegal immigrants.

Shortly after Obama announced his executive amnesty in November, Clinton said she supported the actions but called for a more permanent solution.

A recent ABC News/Washington Post poll found that Clinton is currently more popular among Hispanics than Republican Jeb Bush besting him among registered Hispanic voters 71-26.