Thursday marks 25 days since Hillary Rodham Clinton entered the presidential race, saying she wants to be the “champion” for every day Americans.

But Clinton still hasn’t done a national sit-down media interview, setting a record for going the longest of any presidential candidate in modern history without doing a single formal interview following the official announcement.

Clinton only answered seven questions since she launched her campaign April 12th, according to the National Journal.

The only other female candidate in the 2016 race, but on the GOP side, is Carly Fiorina.

She officially entered the race Monday and, unlike Clinton, Fiorina did a national press call with reporters from organizations like Bloomberg, Fox news, and Breitbart directly following her announcement. She also appeared on ABC’s Good Morning America the morning of her announcement.

“On Monday alone, I’d estimate she took well over 50 questions from the press,” Sarah Flores, spokesperson for Fiorina, told Breitbart.

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), the second GOP candidate to enter the presidential race, did a sit-down interview with Sean Hannity on Fox News the evening of his announcement and on NBC’s Today Show the following morning.

Sergio Gor, spokesman for Paul, told Breitbart that Paul believes in engaging the media on a daily basis.

“From NBC to Fox News and from Katie Couric to Mark Levin, if you are trying to spread a message you must engage with the media. Politicians who stay behind closed doors and avoid the media are perpetuating the worst Washington machine failures,” Gor stated.

Even a veteran journalist from MSNBC has criticized Clinton for how she has handled media, saying she has been less assessable than she was in 2008.

Andrea Mitchell told Politico, “To think that a presidential candidate can be driving around a primary or caucus state without anyone knowing where they’re going but have us waiting for hours for a very controlled conversation with pre-selected voters, it’s just inviting media criticism.”