Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson advocated for a higher minimum wage in an interview with CNBC Chief Washington Correspondent John Harwood on his “Speakeasy” series.

Carson, in response to a question about his lack of political experience, said, “We have gotten into this arena where we think the only people who can handle the kinds of decisions that need to made at the state level are people who are steeped in politics.”

The discussion then turned to the problems of the inner city in places like Baltimore. Carson pointed out that in some states you can make as much money or more on government assistance than minimum wage. He added that he “didn’t necessarily blame” people who, given that calculation stayed home, but they should recognize the importance of work experience. Harwood then asked Carson about the minimum wage, to which Carson responded, “I, think, probably, it should be higher.”

Carson then touted health savings accounts as a replacement to Obamacare and Medicare, which he argued would grant much greater flexibility.

Harwood then asked about Carson’s statement where he compared President Obama to a psychopath, Carson clarified that he wasn’t calling the president a psychopath, but merely that he “reminds you of a psychopath” because “they tend to be extremely smooth, charming people people, who can tell a lie to your face with complete, it looks like sincerity, even though they know it’s a lie.”  Harwood followed up, asking Carson if he thinks the president is a liar. Carson responded, “I think he knows full well, the unemployment rate is not 5.5%. He knows that. He knows that people who are not well-informed will swallow it hook, line, and sinker.”

The discussion concluded by going back to Baltimore. Carson argued that the biggest problem in cities like Baltimore is economics, not racism. He added that “racism still exists in our society…amongst particularly liberals, who think that if you’re black, you have to think a certain way.”

(h/t The Hill)

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