GREENVILLE, South Carolina — Donald Trump, real estate mogul and possible GOP presidential candidate, criticized President Obama’s ability to negotiate a deal with Iran, highlighting Obama’s previous failed terrorist negotiation where Obama traded five terrorists for Bowe Bergdahl, who now has been charged with desertion.

He spoke about Obama’s negotiations with Iran, and how it would be terrible to grant him fast-track trade authority with the Trans Pacific Partnership, which would give Obama authority over trade negotiations. The Senate is scheduled to debate the trade deal next week.

“I call our president the ‘five to one president.’ We got Bergdahl, they get five leaders — killers — that want to kill us all,” Trump said. “They’re all back on the battlefield by the way and we got this piece of garbage named Bergdahl who years ago we would have shot for treason. And now they’re saying, ‘Well, you know, he doesn’t feel good — he had a hard life.’”

“When I saw his father standing with Obama – I said, ‘Whoa, whoa, whoa — whoa,” Trump added. “I love the guys at Duck Dynasty. They stay at my luxury hotel. But this did not look like Duck Dynasty guys.”