On Monday’s broadcast of “Hannity” on the Fox News Channel, conservative commentator Ann Coulter reacted to first lady Michelle Obama’s remarks at Tuskegee University in Alabama over the weekend, which Obama said as being the first black first lady she faced “fear” and “misperceptions.”

Coulter declared Michelle Obama was “letting out her Rev. Wright,” referring to controversial Chicago minister Rev. Jeremiah Wright, whose church both Obama and her husband President Barack Obama attended.

But Coulter said it was a sign of the return of racial demagoguery that had somewhat gone away after the 1994 verdict in the O.J. Simpson murder trial.

“I think she’s just letting out her Rev. Wright now,” Coulter said. “Last week, she was saying museums are discriminating, aren’t welcoming to minorities. What do they have to do? Be even freer? What are museums doing? And, you know, I think it is what you were saying, this is — and I wrote a book about this. It’s exactly as I predicted. We had finally gotten rid of a lot of this racial demagoguery in response to the O.J. verdict and Obama and his enablers in the left-wing media brought it back in order to gin up and keep a certain segment of the black community angry and voting against Republicans. But I think they have opened up a beast they’re not going to be able to control now.”

Coulter went on to explain much of what we are seeing in terms of accusations of racism against the black community comes out of an effort to cover up structural problems in the black family.

“And who — who is victimized the most by the predator class among — in the black community? Of course, other blacks. Law-abiding blacks don’t like this. As I have written about before, talk to any prosecutors. The jurors they seek are married blacks or blacks with jobs. This nonsense about, ‘Oh, the peaceful protesters.’ No, I want a milk carton ad for, ‘Has anyone seen a peaceful protester in Baltimore?’ as if work-a-day blacks are rushing out to protest Freddie Gray. No, they aren’t.

“This all comes from illegitimacy,” Coulter said. “It is to cover up their problem in subsidizing illegitimacy and that is the unfortunate part of this. By harping on white racism, white racism, white racism, no one notices the black illegitimacy rate before the Great Society programs was about 20 percent – 20 percent. It’s above 70 percent now and that just breeds a predator class. In my book “Mugged,” I quoted a liberal institute, the Urban Institute. They said if you take out the factor of illegitimacy, the difference in the black and the white crime rate disappears. This is all a question of illegitimacy creating a predator class that mostly is attacking hard-working black people with jobs.”

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