Sen. Rand Paul says he will filibuster controversial aspects of the Patriot Act when they come up for reauthorization in the weeks ahead.

“I’m going to lead the charge in the next couple of weeks as the Patriot Act comes forward,” Paul told the New Hampshire Union Leader. “We will be filibustering. We will be trying to stop it. We are not going to let them run over us. And we are going to demand amendments and we are going to make sure the American people know that some of us at least are opposed to unlawful searches.”

The issue is not a new one for Paul. Now, he seems intent on making it a key campaign issue in his bid for the 2016 GOP nomination.

The Boston Globe also highlighted his campaigning on the issue today in New Hampshire.

During an hour-long town hall meeting at the Lions Club, US Senator Rand Paul doubled-down Monday on his opposition to Patriot Act, a collection of laws billed as a means for the government to combat terrorism — key parts of which expire at the end of this month.

The Kentuckian vowed again to oppose the law that the federal government argues allows the National Security Agency to collect phone records from every American (a court recently ruled otherwise, asking Congress to take action). In response to a question, Paul said that he would remain open minded to voting for something that allowed federal agencies to apply for a warrant on specific individuals, but not give it blanket power to collect phone data.