One of the top H-1B outsourcing firms paid Bill Clinton $260,000 in 2011 for a speech while his wife was Secretary of State.
According to the Associated Press, in November of 2011, Clinton “made $260,000 addressing the annual meeting of HCL, an Indian outsourcing giant, at Disney World in Orlando, Florida.” HCL has been one of the top outsourcing firms that have used H-1B visas as, in the words of Howard University Public Policy Professor Ron Hira, “outsourcing visas” to displace American workers.
The H-1B program has come under even more scrutiny after companies like Southern California Edison have been accused of abusing the program to displace American workers in favor of cheaper foreign workers who are not more talented.
Disney has also come under fire for laying off American IT workers to bring in cheaper foreign workers from India. One former Disney IT worker who lost his job and had to train his replacement told ComputerWorld that “some of these folks were literally flown in the day before to take over the exact same job I was doing.”
As ComputerWorld noted, “Disney CEO Bob Iger is one of eight co-chairs of the Partnership for a New American Economy, a leading group advocating for an increase in the H-1B visa cap.”
The State Department reportedly approved nearly 220 paid appearance for Clinton while his wife was Secretary of State that netted the former president nearly $50 million. Mainstream media outlets have been scrutinizing the Clintons and following up on the many revelations in Breitbart News Senior Editor-at-Large and Government Accountability Institute President Peter Schweizer’s blockbuster book, Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich.