Wednesday marks 31 days of Hillary Clinton’s media silence, allowing other candidates – both Democrat and Republican – to meet the press instead of her.

Breitbart News was the first to report Clinton has set a record for going the longest out of all presidential candidates in modern history without doing a formal sit down interview with national media following a formal presidential bid.

All six official GOP presidential candidates have “out pressed” Clinton thus far, all have appeared on a national media outlet for a formal sit down interview following their campaign launches.

But it’s not just GOP candidates who have fielded more reporter questions than Clinton.

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), who entered the presidential race April 29th, has taken more questions from the media than Clinton, according to media reports.

Sanders answered questions from multiple TV reporters following his announcement, including roughly six questions alone from MSNBC’s Andrew Mitchell, Mother Jones noted.

Fox News also reported Sanders has had roughly 31 total media encounters.

Multiple media outlets have estimated that Clinton has only answered roughly eight questions from reporters since she officially launched her campaign April 12th.

In an exclusive interview on Fox News, likely GOP presidential candidate Jeb Bush took a jab at Clinton for her media silence.

Bush said he would want to run a presidential campaign where he won’t “have a protective bubble.”