Hillary Clinton is reportedly running “as the most liberal Democratic presidential front-runner in decades” because she is projecting that minorities will comprise a whopping 31% of the 2016 general election electorate.

According to a Washington Post report, Clinton’s campaign is also taking a risk by assuming that voters will not care about the costs of her various domestic policy proposals like “paid family leave, a higher minimum wage and more affordable college.”

Clinton, who opposed gay marriage and illegal immigration in her last presidential run, has already vowed “to go even further” than President Barack Obama on executive amnesty and declared that she believes gay marriage is a constitutional right. She has attacked hedge fund managers and lurched even more to the left on criminal justice reform, climate change, and abortion. She recently slammed House Republicans for passing a pro-life bill that would ban abortions after 20 weeks, which is when unborn babies can start feeling pain.

As America Rising director Colin Reed noted, “Clinton’s moves reinforce all her worst attributes as a candidate and hurt her image among voters of all stripes” since “progressive voters know that she’s not truly one of them” while swing voters “see a desperate politician staking out far-left positions that are outside of the mainstream of most Americans.”

Clinton’s bet that 31% of the 2016 electorate will be minorities, though, is a “a projection that may be overly optimistic for her campaign,” according to the Post. In fact, political scientists believe that “Clinton will be hard-pressed to re-create Obama’s winning coalition and that the 30 percent to 31 percent non-white turnout that some of her outside backers are projecting may be out of reach” because she will have to “expand Hispanic support, increase turnout among independent women and still hold on to a large share of black voters who were drawn to the first African American major-party nominee.”

According to exit polls, minorities made up 28% of the electorate in 2012 and 26 percent in 2008. Against Mitt Romney, Obama carried 93% of the black vote, 73% of the Asian-American vote, and the 71% of the Hispanic vote.

If Clinton moves even further to the left, she may leave an opening for Republicans if the GOP nominates a candidate who can appeal to Reagan Democrats in important battleground states like Ohio and Iowa.