Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) cited a quotation from Hillary Clinton in a speech on the Senate floor against one of the provisions in TPP that she was seeking to block with an amendment on Tuesday.

Warren, arguing in favor of an amendment “that would prevent Congress from using this expedited process on any trade deal that includes so-called investor state dispute settlement [ISDS] provisions,” criticized ISDS (which she said could be used to challenge rules in the US under TPP) heavily before stating, “If that worries you, you’re not alone. Experts from all over the political spectrum, conservatives and liberals, economists and legal scholars on the left and the right, opponents of trade deals and supporters of trade deals, have all argued that these corporate-friendly panels should be dropped from our future trade deals. Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said that we should not give ‘investors the power to sue foreign governments to weaken their environmental and public health rules.'”

(h/t Real Clear Politics)

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