Susan Milligan, political and foreign affairs writer for US News & World Report argued that Hillary Clinton “somehow has to come up with a reason why she’s running because the default presumption is why would a woman want this job? Why does a woman have this much ambition?” on Wednesday’s “Hardball” on MSNBC.

Milligan said, “It’s interesting to me that you’ve got all of these Republican men and one woman running. And the only reason they have for running is that they have this double-decker clown car of candidates and think ‘well, why not me, if these guys can run?’ Whereas Hillary Clinton, who has been First Lady, United States Senator, Secretary of State, a brilliant person, whether or not you agree with her, somehow has to come up with a reason why she’s running because the default presumption is why would a woman want this job? Why does a woman have this much ambition? All those columns people wrote about well, she’s going to be so distracted now that she has a grandchild. She’s going to be handed this baby and she’s just going to lose her mind.”

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