Bloomberg Politics Managing Editor Mark Halperin and MSNBC host Joe Scarborough declared that there is “no passion” for Jeb Bush and excitement for him is “non-existent” on Thursday’s “Morning Joe.”

Scarborough said, “I have yet to find the first person of all of the Republican events I’ve been to come up to me and go, ‘I’m here for Jeb. I’m excited.’ It’s non-existent. … Have you ever had anybody come up to you in any of these Republican events saying, ‘I came here, I drove here specifically for Jeb?’ You hear that for everybody else. Have you ever heard that for Jeb?”

Halperin stated, “No passion and not top of mind. And again, this [Iowa focus] group, the voices are just loud and clear, just they’re not interested in another Bush.”

Scarborough added that while he thinks Jeb would be “the strongest general election candidate” and “a great president,” “I don’t see how gets through a primary process where people — again, it’s not anger or rage. They just don’t connect to him.”

(h/t Real Clear Politics)

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