From Investors Business Daily:

Much is being made of Marco Rubio’s tight personal finances, including his purchase of $3,000 home refrigerator. But all they’re doing is showing how ordinary the candidate is and how little he has to do with Congress’ “honest graft” culture.

The story is actually interesting for the issue it completely misses: That Rubio apparently has no connection with the political-cash culture that is Washington. What passes for normalcy there is the “legal graft” we see all too often: Congress members of modest means entering office and somehow, some way departing as millionaires.

The phenomenon is described by Peter Schweizer in “Throw Them All Out: How Politicians and Their Friends Get Rich Off Insider Stock Tips, Land Deals, and Cronyism That Would Send the Rest of Us to Prison.” The 2011 book will make any reader blanch at what passes for legal but not fair or moral in the nation’s capital — from using insider knowledge of pending legislation in order to make clever stock trades to directing government contracts to favored cronies.

That, according to Schweizer, is how House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, former Sen. John Kerry, former Rep. Rahm Emanuel, House Speaker John Boehner, Rep. James McDermott and former House Speaker Dennis Hastert, among others in both parties, have made oodles of cash off legislation such as ObamaCare, various green schemes and assorted local earmarks.

Read the rest of the article here.