Sunday on ABC’s “This Week with George Stephanopoulos,” Gov. John Kasich (R-OH) said Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) does not have the experience necessary to be president of the United States.

Jon Karl asked, “Let me ask you over the weekend, we saw this article in The New York Times saying that Hillary Clinton’s folks fear that Marco Rubio would be their toughest competition, because it would represent a generation clash, the past and the future. You were there in the ’90s, if that’s the case, don’t you kind of represent the past here?”

Kasich answered, “You know, what we need is for in a president is somebody who has deep experience, knowledge of foreign affairs and the ability to be an executive, to made decisions and have a bottom line. Look, I love Marco Rubio, terrific guy. You know they’re all out there plugging away and doing a good job. But at the end of the day, we need someone who has deep experience, executive experience, made decisions where there is a bottom line, who has a deep knowledge of foreign affairs. It’s pretty clear that America’s position in the world is being questioned. And all of this business about young and old, Ronald Reagan was an older dude and I think he did pretty well because he had the experience and that is what really matters when you are talking about president of the Untied States.”

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