The presumed gay Mecca that is Key West, Florida, is getting somewhat of a street makeover, as city officials have approved “rainbow-colored crosswalks” for two city streets, essentially for gay-ing up the already very gay-friendly city.

The crosswalks, which will be permanent, are scheduled for installation May 28. They’ll officially be unveiled June 10 at the start of Key West Pride, which runs through June 14.

“A great way for the city of Key West to roll out the red carpet, or should we say the rainbow carpet to welcome our visitors,” [Key West Business Guild Executive Director Matt] Hon said…

The Southernmost City won’t be unique in its rainbow crosswalks. San Francisco’s Castro District has had four rainbow crosswalks since October. Other cities with them include Austin, Texas, Philadelphia and Hollywood, Calif. The Sacramento, Calif., government has OK’d similar crosswalks in that city.

Those tourists living in a cave, or who have their heads buried in the sand, might not know that Key West is already very gay-friendly.

All joking aside, while Key West is still a gay tourist destination, it is not that shining gay city on the hill that it once was.

Key West has become more mainstream and less gay. But don’t tell the Key West City Commissioners this.