Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), the socialist who is challenging Hillary Clinton for the Democrat party’s presidential nomination, believes that the millions Hillary Clinton made from speaking fees can only make her even more out of touch with the everyday Americans she is purporting to champion.

“When you hustle money like that, you don’t sit in restaurants like this,” Sanders told CNBC before his Tuesday campaign kickoff event. “You sit in restaurants where you’re spending—I don’t know what they spend—hundreds of dollars for dinner and so forth. That’s the world that you’re accustomed to, and that’s the world view that you adopt. You’re not worrying about a kid three blocks away from here whose mom can’t afford to feed him.”

He added, “So yes, I think that can isolate you—that type of wealth has the potential to isolate you from the reality of the world.”

After mainstream media outlets confirmed the numerous pay-to-play revelations in Breitbart News Senior Editor-at-Large and Government Accountability Institute President Peter Schweizer’s blockbuster book, Clinton Cash, the Clintons have come under even more fire for their financial dealings and those of their family’s foundation, which received millions in donations from individuals, corporation and nations that may have sought to influence Hillary Clinton’s State Department.

Financial disclosures revealed that Bill and Hillary Clinton made more than $25 million in speaking fees alone since the start of 2014. The Clinton Foundation also revealed last week that it has received more than $12 million in speaking fees that were donated to the foundation from speeches that Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton have given since 2002.