A Christian hip-hop group calling itself We Are Watchmen has released a single in support of Ted Cruz’s 2016 presidential bid.

With the pool of GOP presidential candidates looking to grab the party’s nomination in 2016 growing larger, the group appears to be organizing itself for Cruz early, who it compares to President Ronald Reagan in a new track.

Titled “Set It on Fire,” the song praises the Texas Senator’s limited government philosophies regarding private sector job growth and the economy, and compares the state of the country to that of the late 1970s.

Listen below:

A sample of the song’s lyrics read:

It’s like we’re back in the late seventies, labor force is dead, emboldened enemies

Can you hear the voice of Reagan saying the fed is not the remedy

The banner’s in the air for the conservative ascendency

America, these are perilous times…

Our heredity and pedigree is liberty intrepidly

Moral individuals and family’s the recipe

The more we stray from that the more we waver from our legacy

Make DC listen, switch off the dead news

The lame stream media feeding us the fed stew…

The true solution is

Return to the roots of our Constitution

Remove this monster boot off the neck of our sovereign union

Select Cruz and let’s get through this, the movement

Reignite the promise

If you’re conservative, then prove it

“We Are Watchmen is a movement that uses music and message to mobilize American Christians to civic duty. Music. Message. Movement,” the group’s website reads. “Just as many churches in Germany sang louder on Sunday mornings to drown out the sounds of wailing Jews in boxcars on the way to the concentration camps, the majority of pulpits and pews in the American churches have been willfully ignoring the stench of blatant evil rising in this once godly nation.”

In urging churches to support Cruz, the group also claims less than 25% of American Christians vote.

Former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum and former New York Governor George Pataki both announced White House bids this week. The two join a crowded Republican field that officially includes Cruz, Marco Rubio, Dr. Ben Carson, Rand Paul, Carly Florina, and Mike Huckabee.