After her showdown with Jorge Ramos on his home turf, Ann Coulter is now challenging Facebook board member Marc Andreessen to an immigration debate.

Coulter, the author of Adios, America! The Left’s Plan to Turn Our Country into a Third World Hellhole, has consistently been unafraid to bring up inconvenient truths about illegal immigration that the politically-correct media willfully ignore or hide. Andreessen, the tech investor and advocate of open borders, recently implied that Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) was “clinically insane” for standing up for American workers and daring to suggest that an immigration policy that favors plutocrats may not serve the national interest.

Coulter told Breitbart News that “it’s hard to know what point of Andreessen’s argument I’m supposed to dispute inasmuch his argument is: ‘anyone who disagrees with me on importing cheap labor is clinically insane.'”

“But if we’re all insane, it ought to be child’s play to debate us,” Coulter said in issuing her challenge. “So how about it, Marc? You pick the audience — I just want C-SPAN there.”

Andreessen, an early investor in Facebook, picked a fight with Sessions last year after the Alabama Senator called out Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerberg on the Senate floor for spending millions to push amnesty legislation and massive increases in H-1b guest-worker permits at a time when there is a proven surplus–not a shortage–of American high-tech workers.

Andreessen, as Breitbart News noted, even called the Alabama Senator an “odious hack” and implied that Sessions was “clinically insane” for suggesting that Facebook hire more American workers, like those recently laid off by technology giants such as Microsoft. Andreessen has not backed down an inch from his views, recently declaring that illegal immigration is the best thing that is happening to America, especially if the nation’s birth rates continue to drop.

“It’s the best thing that can possibly be happening to us, and I find it ironic; nobody wants to talk about that,” Andreessen recently said of illegal immigration.

In Adios, America!, Coulter points out that “every single elite group in America”– including the mainstream press, ethnic activists, campaign donors, technology elites, and Wall Street–“is aligned against the American public” because “they all want mass immigration from the Third World to continue.”

“Both political parties connive to grant illegal aliens citizenship and bring in millions more legally, and the media hide the evidence,” Coulter argues in her new book. “Their game plan is: Never allow an honest debate on immigration.”