BOONE, Iowa — Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson dismissed the Washington Post article published Friday claiming there is “turmoil” inside his campaign.

“Any teacher who wants to teach their students what yellow journalism is should use that Washington Post article — that’s all it is — yellow journalism,” he told Breitbart News.

“The presidential candidacy of Ben Carson, a tea party star who has catapulted into the top tier of Republican contenders, has been rocked by turmoil with the departures of four senior campaign officials and widespread disarray among his allied super PACs,” the Post reported.

“The people that exited — that was a planned exit,” Carson told Breitbart News. “When we transition from an exploratory committee to a campaign… They have to be separated from the campaign for a requisite amount of time before they can pursue some other things — all of that’s planned.

“There is no chaos what so ever. Things are going as smoothly as they possibly can go,” he added.

When asked if he thinks he has been targeted by mainstream media thanks to his fast rise in the recent polls, Carson said, “I have no idea what they are trying to do. All I can tell you is it’s not going to work and if this is what chaos is — bring it on.”

Carson’s spokesperson shared exclusively with Breitbart News an internal email sent by Carson’s campaign manager Barry Bennett to the campaign staff after the Washington Post story was published:

What a week it has been….

There is a WashPost story out there this afternoon that may just be the worst piece or journalism I have ever seen.  The story hypes the “turmoil” in the campaign since Terry and his team left at the end of the Exploratory Phase.  The story makes it sound like they were fired yesterday.  Nothing like that ever happened.  They all left before Ben became a candidate to wait the legally described amount of time before working on an independent effort for Ben.

Ben is exceedingly happy with the campaign and why should he not be.  Everyone is doing a great job but here are some numbers to take home with you.

We have now distributed over 500,000 bumper stickers.

Ben now has 143,000 donations.  That is only 100,000 more than most of our rivals.

We are closing in on 7.5 million dollars raised with 500,000 coming this week.

Today we set a record in our recruitment of new donors.  Actually we broke the record we set yesterday.  Yesterday we recruited 10,000 people across the country to join the campaign.  Today we added 12,000 more.

Poll after Poll has Ben either winning or within a point or two of the lead.  No outsider candidate has ever done this well.

We have big events in North Carolina this weekend as Ben continues to travel across the country.

The campaign is going very, very well.  Thank you for all you do to help Ben fix America.