POLITICO Chief Political Correspondent Glenn Thrush argued that “the biggest danger “Vermont Senator and Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders poses to Hillary Clinton is “the fact that he is authentic” and “points up some of her drawbacks, which is the question of trustworthiness and authenticity” on Wednesday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “The Cycle.”

Thrush said, “The thing that’s impressive to me about Bernie Sanders is not necessarily what he stands for, but how he advocates his position. You know, he’s really a pretty dignified candidate. You know, the guy looks a little wild. He’s obviously the only socialist of the 535 members of Congress, but he comports himself with dignity, and he has not stooped to personal attacks against her. He’s been very measured in his approach. He talks about the issues. I think people are going to really like that. And I think the biggest danger he has, the biggest danger he poses to Hillary Clinton, isn’t an ideological one, or even a policy one. It’s the fact that he is authentic. Bernie sanders is Bernie Sanders, whatever that is, right? And when he’s on a debate stage with Hillary Clinton, he points up some of her drawbacks, which is the question of trustworthiness and authenticity.”

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