Texas Senator and GOP presidential candidate Ted Cruz slammed the Senate’s vote to end debate on Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) as “another manifestation of what I call the Washington cartel” and “government of the lobbyists, by the lobbyists, and for the lobbyists” on Tuesday’s “Mark Levin Show.”

Cruz, while discussing that day’s TPA vote, remarked, “Unfortunately, what we see today is another manifestation of what I call the Washington cartel, it is a corruption, it is a cartel of career politicians in both parties, in union with the lobbyists on K Street. And it’s the reason why six of the ten wealthiest counties in America surround Washington, DC. Because this town is all about more and more power and money in Washington, and the working men and women, their lives being made harder and harder. And what we saw is today is another example of government of the lobbyists, by the lobbyists, and for the lobbyists. And that’s not what Republicans were elected to do.”

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