Texas Senator and GOP presidential candidate Ted Cruz argued that Republican leadership is “more indebted to K Street and the Washington lobbyists, the Washington cartel than they are to conservatives” on Wednesday’s “Special Report” on the Fox News Channel.

“Cruz said, You know, leadership in Washington is not listening to the American people back home. I’ll tell you, as I travel the country, I ask groups gathered all over the place, ‘How many of y’all are frustrated with Republican leadership?’ I’ve yet to see a crowd where every hand doesn’t go up. And the reason is, over and over again, this is a great example, when Trade Promotion Authority was in the House, a group of conservatives came to the speaker and said, ‘We’ll give you the votes you need to pass this, if you agree to let the Export-Import bank die, let this massive corporate welfare program die which it’s going to do under current law.’ Leadership said no. They’re more indebted to K Street and the Washington lobbyists, the Washington cartel than they are to conservatives. And this week we’re seeing a purge, where two different conservatives, Mark Meadows and Ken Buck, have been stripped of their chairmanships as a result of their standing for their principles. And look, conservatives across this country are frustrated. Why does leadership always cut a deal with the Democrats instead of standing for conservative principles?”

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