Chris Christie sided with Chief Supreme Court Justice Roberts’ dissent of today’s decision, pointing out that the redefinition of marriage should be decided by the people and “not by five lawyers” who were “sitting in black robes at the U.S. Supreme Court.”

Christie restated his position on marriage for reporters during a press conference held at the New Jersey State Capitol today.

“I believe marriage is between one man and one woman, that’s the way it’s always been defined, and that’s the way it should be defined,” he said.

But Christie admitted that, just as he had a responsibility to uphold the law in New Jersey legalizing gay marriage, political leaders would have to do the same in the United States.

“I want to be clear, I don’t agree with the way it was done, but it’s been done and those of us that take an oath have a responsibility to abide by that oath,” he said.

When asked about religious freedom issues after the ruling, Christie suggested that American political figures should “take a deep breath” and read the Supreme Court ruling before addressing it.