Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) weighed in on Thursday’s divisive Supreme Court ruling, which upheld a key element of the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) by essentially rewriting the text of the legislation in order to save it, dubbing it a “loss for the Constitution.”

“Today’s Supreme Court decision is a loss for the Constitution and amounts to an egregious expansion of executive power,” Rep. Issa wrote in a statement he published to his website.

Issa also took to Twitter to express his disdain:

His fellow Republicans, Rep. Steve Knight and Rep. Duncan Hunter, remained mum on the ruling.

Issa continued by stating that the wording of the Affordable Care Act “Could not have been more clear or limiting in its scope, applying only to exchanges established by the states.” He continued that the decision essentially hands “President Obama a $4 trillion check to spend as he sees fit, contrary to Congress’ and the states’ clearly expressed wishes.”

Furthermore, “It flies in the face of one of the principles most fundamental to the American form of government: the separation of powers that gives Congress – not the executive branch, and certainly not agenda-driven agencies like the IRS – the sole ability to write laws.”

San Diego’s Democratic House member Rep. Susan Davis had more decorated words to provide in light of Obamacare’s survival:

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