Talk radio host Rush Limbaugh argued that President Obama’s conversion on same-sex marriage was “phony” on Friday.

“The president, three years ago, opposed gay marriage. Did you know that? Three years ago, the president opposed it and ran for office opposing it. So did Hillary Clinton. It wasn’t until bundlers in Hollywood who were gay threatened Obama with the loss of millions of dollars of donations that he changed his mind. And how did he change his mind? They sent Joe Biden out there apparently to make a slip of the tongue. In case you have forgotten how that happened. None of this stuff is genuine. None of it’s real. Three-and-a-half years ago, and every year prior to that, Barack Obama opposed gay marriage. And you know why? Because of his Christian religious beliefs. And he was open about it, and he ran for office, and so did Hillary Clinton, and so did Bill Clinton. And then the Hollywood Gay Mafia threatened him with the loss of campaign dollars. And what happened next is Joe Biden was out apparently making a speech on 7-Eleven or something and let it slip that the — apparently made it slip.”

Rush added, “The whole thing was planned, structured, phony, created as a way for Obama to make the transition away from opposition to gay marriage to support for it, by sending his vice president out there to entrap him into it.”

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