In an interview with The Daily Signal, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) railed against cronyism in the nation’s capitol, referring to it as the “Washington cartel.”

In the interview with the Signal’s Genevieve Wood, he took on this “cartel” and how it is tied to the Trade Promotion Authority, the Republican leadership’s retaliation against certain members of the House of Representatives for not falling in line and Thursday’s ObamaCare decision.

“The Washington cartel is an alliance of career politicians in both parties and the lobbyists in this town –big money,” he said. “And what happens is big government benefits big business. Small government benefits small businesses and hard-working men and women. And the Washington cartel is the corruption – the bipartisan corruption where government picks winners and losers and it favors giant corporations at the expense of taxpayers. And it is happening over and over and over.”

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