And the “Flag Attack” rages on! In Arkansas there is a flag battle, but not the one you’ve been reading about.

The Bradley County Courthouse has flown an historic flag just below our stars and stripes; it features a simple evergreen tree and the phrase “Appeal to Heaven.” The ATH flag has a rich history, being first commissioned by George Washington to fly over Navy schooners during the Revolutionary War. Washington knew the colonies needed God’s intervention as they battled for freedom – they had no recourse but to call on God. The appeal to heaven ultimately granted America freedom. This is our foundation! And the few who disdain this foundation want the innocent but illustrious flag removed.

Special friends, Pastor Dutch and Ceci Sheets, presented me with an Appeal to Heaven flag of my own. It has stirred my heart and will stir millions more once the significance of this flag attack is understood.

The angry opposition to the evergreen-emblazoned bolt of cloth spews from those refusing to acknowledge the truth – that the patriots of old knew America’s hope for freedom was rooted in God. And unlike any other, the idea of “America” would be exceptional in that we would dedicate to God this land overflowing with the blessings of liberty.

In Bradley County, the ATH flag has flown over the courthouse, until the Freedom From Religion Foundation – a group that spends its funds suing municipalities who don’t see as they do – demanded Judge Keith Neely take down the flag or be sued.  The judge found himself in a tough spot, and without the budget to fight out-of-town lawyers, he was advised by the county attorney to remove the historic flag. Well, The Freedom From Religion Foundation rattled the wrong cage. This is an attack on freedom, on honoring accurate history, and is more of the fundamental transformation of America that will render us not only unexceptional, but unrecognizable. But not if we intercede.

The solution? Get behind Judge Neely and the good folks in Bradley County who want to Appeal to Heaven for our nation.  Religious freedom is what this republic was founded on – why kowtow to the few who threaten that right? I won’t deny our need for God’s grace and miracles to fundamentally restore America. Please join. Write your own “Appeal to Heaven” in the comments below. Press in! And stand strong with those already standing for freedom.

This attack on the ATH flag might seem irrelevant in light of all the important things happening right now, but it’s symbolic and symptomatic of the precarious position we’re in when it comes to religious liberty, our entire Bill of Rights, and our need to openly acknowledge the ultimate source of our country’s blessings. May we never doubt that a Providential Hand will always guide us to a better future as long as we are humble enough to seek that help.